About Me

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Hey I'm Emz and if you must know one thing about me it's my ability to ramble about anything. Perhaps this makes me a great blogger, but then again could also make me a crazy person. I like to think it makes me a good candidate for a career in Journalism... which happens to be exactly my dream, HOORAY FOR COINCIDENCES *wink*
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Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Liebster Award!

Hey guys! MY EXAM IS OFFICIALLY OVER! Yes I only had one but it was a toughie :( History AS... hell on a stick. Although why should I care anymore?! IT IS OVER AND HOPEFULLY I WON'T HAVE TO RESIT IT IN THE SUMMER! (fingers crossed :S) Aaaaanyway I thought I would let you know as this means I have oodles more free time to make blog posts and... drum roll please... VIDEOS! Yes I filmed my first video on Sunday and then spent yesterday night editing it, I rambled on and managed to film almost half an hour of footage so it has been SEVERELY cut down I assure you. It is converting as we speak and I shall soon be uploading it to YouTube! So exciting! I'm unsure how it will turn out but hopefully it will be received well :) Try to ignore my weirdness if possible, although I am mighty weird.
So I promised I would eventually do a post on the Liebster award as I have been nominated twice by two different people now! woah popular ;) So I shall actually answer those questions now! 

Liebster award numero uno, nominated by chelsschapman.blogspot.co.uk (she's lovely, do go check her out if you haven't already)
I have already linked back to the person who nominated me for Liebster award number one and now I have to write 11 facts about myself, although these 11 facts will be used for both of my nominations.
So here we go:
- I have a growing obsession with the colour orange and also candles (I have them lit all the time)
- I get practically all my ideas about what to buy from YouTubers (makeup, body products etc)
- I used to play the violin and I quit when I started learning grade 5
- I started gymnastics when I was 6/7 and I'd like to say I haven't stopped yet as long as I recover soon :)
- My phone is terrible and I am on my third replacement of the same one in 2 years (bad Orange)
- I LOVE Desperate housewives, Vampire Diaries and Friends and I have got ALL of the box sets of these series (DH - season 1 - 8. Vamp Diaries - season 1 - 3. Friends - season 1 - 10)
- I like turtles and they are my favorite animal :)
- I consider myself to be pretty social and confident and I love my friends to pieces
- I love high heels even though I have a dodgy foot and wearing them cripples me, must remember to stop buying so many.
- The background picture on my iPod at the moment is of my little rubber duck 'Jeremy' (sad eh?)
- I pierced my own ear last year and tried to hide it from my parents (they found out the same day, oops!)
So there we have it! My life on a plate... or page. So now I have to answer the following questions :)

1. What is your favorite piece of makeup you own?
Oh now that is tricky! I would have to say that my favorite is probably my mascara by Maybelline 'Illegal Length' as I don't think I could leave the house without wearing mascara and it makes my eyelashes SO LONG. Definitely a re-purchase :)

2. Would you rather wear stuff too big or too small?

Definitely too big. I'm not a fan of purposely wearing stuff too small (unless you're on a night out) as I find it too restrictive. In fact, in my video I'm wearing a jumper size 'Large' just so I can snuggle in it! I'm a fan of over sized hoodies too.

3. Plain nails or painted nails?

I don't know a girl who prefers un-painted nails and I love nail varnish to pieces! I love wearing new colours, I just hate waiting for it to dry. I will always have my nails painted except when I have to go to work as they don't allow nail varnish on for waitressing. 

4. If you could only have one, what would you keep, hairdryer or straighteners?
100% hairdryer. My hair is pretty naturally straight anyway and if I leave it to dry naturally it just goes incredibly flat :(

5. Blusher or bronzer?
Blusher as of recent 

6.Would you rather have your own makeup room or your own bathroom?
I would ADORE my own bathroom as I have to share with a younger brother and it would be fantastic to be able to pop in and out when I please. I could put all my makeup in there anyway.

7. Phone or laptop?
Erm, my phone can be pretty useless sometimes but I would hate not to have it as I can't leave the house without it. I always feel more secure with it. I can access the internet on it too it is just pretty slow. Phone.

8. Bags or shoes?
Shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes... all the way shoes.

9. Eyebrow pencil or mascara?

I don't use eyebrow pencil and I think I could cope without filling my eyebrows in so I would have to say mascara.

10. If you were told you could have one item free for the rest of your life, what item would you pick?

Soap and Glory Sugar Crush body butter. Yum.

11. Your favorite makeup brand?
Cross between Rimmel and Maybelline, I'm cheapo ;)


COOL! I will also answer the questions from dippywrites.blogspot.com :)

1. What is the weirdest place you've been to? 

The weirdest place I have been to is Morocco because it is so different and also because I felt slightly weird wandering around, I had to keep my Dad close by at all times :/

2. Are you someone who follows trends or does your own thing?

Erm, well I'm definitely inspired by YouTubers and other bloggers but I have never been one to buy something just because everyone else is, I actually have to LIKE what it is. However, if you go into high street shops to buy clothes, chances are what you are buying will be 'in'. I wear what I want and when I want really :)

3. What spring trend are you most looking forward to?
PASTEL NAILS! I wear whatever nail varnish I choose and am currently wearing Models Own Headkandi Beach party... not a winter colour :') But I just love the colours of spring and the SUN WILL BE OUT! Yippee!

4. What's your favorite restaurant?
I don't really eat out much if I'm honest but probably 'Dragons Den'. It's a local all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet.

5. If you could only use one makeup brand for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
Probably Rimmel :)

6. What's the one makeup product you couldn't live without?


7. Earrings or necklace?
I'm 100% an earrings person.

8. Who is your favorite designer?
Christian Louboutin (one day I WILL own a pair of his shoes.)

9. Indian Takeaway or Chinese?

Chinese fo sho!!

10. Where is the best beach you've been to?
Cannes in France. There was a walkway partially underwater and an Island!

11. If you could have any hairstyle/colour what would it be?

All colours of the rainbow! But I don't have the balls :')

Thanks for those questions guys!!! Hope you know a little more about me and here are my 11 questions for my 11 bloggers.
1. What is the most interesting item of clothing you own?
2. Which piece of makeup have you bought and never used/wish you had never bought?
3. What made you start blogging?
4. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
5. Which makeup brand do you not recommend?
6. What is your favorite high street shop?
7. Who do you look up to for fashion and beauty advice?
8. Have you ever had a 'wardrobe malfunction'?
9. On average, how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
10. Are you an early riser or a late night person?
11. What is your most important piece of beauty advice?

Finally guys, exciting news! Here is my first video :') ENJOY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9sndAAgH44&feature=youtu.be

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on being nominated! Love the facts..!

    Kim :) x

